The final week in October, thousands of young Christians will once again be taking part in a BUK youth camp. But why do they travel all the way to Norway for camp after camp?
You would think that all the various activities and entertainments are what entices thousands of these young people from all corners of the world to these camps. Obviously, that is part of the reason why many come. But the most important draw for the majority is their Christian faith and view of life, which they share with other youth from countries throughout the world.
Wanting to live for God
Being edified is the central element of the camps, and to that end each camp has a clear and coherent vision which is brought out in the evening programmes. The Fall Camp just coming up will be no exception. Its vision is: “Be an energetic youth – alive to God”.
udith Gangsø (27), who is the event producer for the Fall Camp, says that the framework for the camp, and all the content produced, will back up that spiritual vision.
– We want to inspire the participants to get faith in becoming energetic young people who get God’s will done in their lives. The young people will hear more about this during the evening programmes and especially in Saturday’s theme evening, which will take place in a game show format, with the young people themselves as interactive participants, she says.
Community across cultures and borders
At the camps, there is ample opportunity to get to know young people from other countries and cultures, for example through the activities during the day or in the so-called ‘HUBs’. HUBs are informal lounge or game zones, where participants can play games and hang out between their chosen activities. This year, the various HUBs will be clearly marked by LED lights, colorful decor and fun activities. The successful use last year of parts of the parking basement under Oslofjord Arena for activities, is also being repeated.
At this Fall camp, the participants can choose between 22 different activities covering:
- Sport
- Crafts
- Data
- Media
- Outdoor
- Music
As in all the other camps, the main activities will be ice-hockey for girls, and gaming.
Read abot this here: Next up: Høstcamp 2022 (only on Norwegian)
Keep following along here on the website, and also on our Instagram profile to see more about, and more from, Fall Camp 2022.